Sunday, October 30, 2022

 Oct 2022 - 2nd Grade

Hari Om!

Thank you for sending your kids every week and helping us grow along with them.

What we did: 

·       We completed making the Japa Mala. There are 27 beads in the japa mala. There is a big bead (28th bead) to guide them where to start and finish.

·       We started learning Dhyana Shloka which describes Hanumanji’s virtues

·       We talked about the first 5 virtues so far. Buddhi (Intelligence), Balam (Physical and mental strength), Yashas (Fame), Dhairyam (Courage), Nirbhayatvam (Fearlessness)

·       They have heard various stories pertaining to each of the virtues. Ex: Birbal’s intellect, Mahatma Gandhi’s mental strength, our famous beloved Gurudev’s life, Ratnakara’s courage to transform to Valmikiji, Tale of Timid Rabbit showing that when God is our friend what is there to fear.

·       We discussed about how we can lead our lives based on these good qualities and virtues.


Ideas for Parents: 

·       Encourage Kids to narrate the story that they have heard in class.

·       Practice Dhyana Shloka with your kids. Ask your kids what Buddhi, Balam, Yasas, Dhairyam and Nirbhayatvam mean to them. 

·       It would be nice for children to use the japa mala they made every day to help focus and improve mental health. They can pick any specific time and any favorite simple chant and repeat it 27 times.

Activities we did:    

·      Japa Mala

·       Hand wrestling (to learn Physical strength)

·       Sorting beans (learning to sort thoughts for mental Balam)

·       Started to make the Hanumanji’s Backbone.

Thursday, September 29, 2022


Sep 2022 - 2nd Grade

 Hari Om!

We had a great start this year. Thank you all for sharing your kids with us. We have an awesome group of kids.

Our 2nd grade (Anandam) Class will learn about Hanumanji and his virtues. 


  • Dhyana Shloka
  • Hanuman Chalisa

 Typical flow of the class:

  • Opening prayers: Om Saha Navavatu, Ganesha, Saraswathi and Guru shlokas.
  • Shlokas: Learn curriculum specific Shlokas (Dhyana Shloka and hanuman Chalisa).
  • Movement: As needed
  • Brief review of the previous class lesson. 
  • Lesson: Try to convey the qualities of Hanumanji’s through stories, activities, art, games, quizzes and/or coloring
  • Closing Prayers: Om Sarve Bhavantu and Om Purnamadah Purnamidam

So far Kids have learnt about the invisible Backbone. Similar to a strong backbone that allows us to stand tall and erect we humans also have a mental backbone that allows us to stand tall and erect under all situations. Our goal is to inspire each of us to adopt the virtuous qualities that made Hanumanji great. 

Parents meet and great was great. We have an amazing group of Parents. We had Ramayana quiz to review what we learnt last year. 

Activities: We started to make Japa mala and will complete it in next class.